Personal request by Mountain Mike on www.flickr.com!
Treasure & Fool's Gold: Everything is Intercultural... by Mike "Dakinewavamon" Kline
Personal request by Mountain Mike on www.flickr.com!
What Were You Doing When You Should Have Been Driving (#33)? Rating an IPOD and Driving
Personal request by Jørgen Schyberg of Norway !
Check out Jørgen's photos on www.flickr.com!
How many times have I seen this on the road?
IPOD and/or MP3 song rating takes one hand, but
both eyes. To date, I have not observed anyone
that can place one eye on the IPOD and one eye
on the road. Have you observed this activity?
Note: Accidents occurr in a twinkle of an eye.
Focusing in on The English Beat, Mirror in the
bathroom to rate them five stars takes many
twinkles of the eyes.
Recommendation: Rate songs at home and enjoy the tunes as you drive...