Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cigarette Pollution

Surfrider Foundation Coastal Factoid
Coastal Factoid from: 04/22/2008

182 Pounds of Trash Per Beach Mile

"The 378,000 volunteers on average collected 182 pounds of trash for every mile of shoreline, both ocean coastlines and beaches on inland lakes and streams, providing a 'global snapshot of the ocean trash problem.'" - excerpt from this MSNBC article.

return to the Coastal Factoids archives page

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

Who was the bright organizer of Cinco de Mayo? Urban legend seems to counter the culture and blame Corona.

Although I did not participate in any of the festivities, it makes one go "Hmmmm!" Monday night celebrations and Corona and lime, can only make for a difficult time, on Tuesday morning.

Lets change this holiday to Friday or Viernes de Mayo!We might even call it "Viernes."

52 celebrations a year is better than just 1.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Albuquirky House Tour May 03, 2008 (Today!)

Don't Worry! We still have tickets available at Off Center Community Arts.

Ticket Cost is $30.00 (a donation to Off Center)

Call (505) 247-1172

808 Park Ave SW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120

Off Center Art is not-for-profit!
Art is for everyone, stop by and make some...