Thursday, February 28, 2008


Talkin 'Bout My Generation:

Do you remember crying when your college bound child left home? Well wipe away those tears, hold off the mid-life crisis ("excuse" to buy a Harley), hold off on making your child's old room into your "Naked" room, because the Millennials are coming home!

According to Generation Guru, Cam Marston, "If you are under 30 today, your chances of turning 100 have never been greater. So why start work now!" Parents enjoy...Your kids will.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Barack Obama

As I narrow down the Presidential candidates, I see the political pendulum swinging back towards the Democratic party, I only see Barack Obama standing there!

Hey! Barack has a Flickr photos site and a website.

Can "Any" politician really deliver?

Obey has a sweet graphic of Obama titled, "Hope."

Sunday, February 24, 2008

President Bush Endorses Vin Diesel

"This state of the union address is critical. We need another super hero in the white house, and that is why I George Bush endorse a Generation X'er, Super Hero, Vin Diesel."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, VIN DIESEL for President."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Speed Cameras and Greed!

The New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and Albuquerque's Mayor Martin Chavez argue about who gets the proceeds from the "Robin the Hood" speed cameras. It feels a little like "Legalized Highway Robbery." Let's give the money to the poor and the community...COME ON!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

One Eye Driving and Driving!

What Were You Doing When You Should Have Been Driving?

Driving with one eye! Hmmm... With hair covering one-eye I guess you only see half the driving mistakes one makes daily. Good job!

I felt a bump, but didn't see anything. Great excuse.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Priorities or Little Houdini

What Were You Doing When You Should Have Been Driving?

According to "The Week" magazine, a Florida woman was pulled over allegedly with a 24-pack of beer strapped into a seat belt, so it wouldn't be jostled, while a 16-month-old girl was unrestrained in the back seat... Hmmmm!

Is it possible the little one is the daughter of Houdini?
I have known some escape artists in my time...Just a thought.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Starbucks or Petrol (Gasoline)

Starbucks, originally uploaded by Mike "Dakinewavamon" Kline.

Starbucks + Petrol (gasoline) are both luxury items... In a recent poll of my International Business students, Starbucks won. Students said, they need their Caffeine and would say "See Yah" to their personal vehicle and use public transportation (if available). One student even confessed to spending $1800.00 per year at Starbucks... Hmmmm.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Collagraph at Off Center Arts TODAY!

Collagraph Art Title: Gacy Killed the Duke Triptych
Art by michael-gerard

Join Tirzah De Caria for a "Collagraph Workshop"
1:00-4:00 Today, February 16, 2008!!

Learn the art of this wonderful texture based printing process using found flat objects--how exciting!

It's happening @ OFFCenter Community Arts Project

808 Park Avenue SW
Albuquerque, New Mexico

So, come on down and spend a Saturday afternoon making art.
$15-fee--no need to call in advance just show up

See my daughter's and my attempt at Collagraph February 16, 2008:
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

Friday, February 15, 2008

OFF CENTER ARTS: Collagraph Workshop

Join Tirzah De Caria for a "Collagraph Workshop"
1:00-4:00 TOMORROW February 16, 2008!!

Learn the art of this texture based printing process using found flat objects--how exciting!

It's happening @ OFFCenter Community Arts Project

808 Park Avenue SW
Albuquerque, New Mexico

So, come on down and spend a Saturday afternoon making art.
$15-fee--no need to call in advance just show up

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Describbles, originally uploaded by Mike "Dakinewavamon" Kline.

Webster 's Dictionary used to define us as "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves, but clearly I am a little more complicated than that! I smoke a pipe and ride a bike afterwards...I am a bike-riding-pipe-smokin' panda!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Margaret Thatcher

Winston Churchill gave the peace sign as a "V" for victory. The Iron Lady gave the world a, "V too..." but, some nonverbal symbols mean different things across cultures. Maggie meant this one for what it actually stands for! Let's just say, "This V doesn't translate into peace."

Beware of your nonverbal communication across cultures. Innocent gestures can get you into deep Kimchi...gimchi... or even kimchee...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Just Scream, It's Okay!

Some days it just feels good to scream...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Never Buy into the Lie!

"George, It is time to retire after 51 years of dedicated service... Finally, you will have enough time and money to climb Machu Picchu, Nazca, Titicaca, Amazon, Colca canyon and Mancora! You deserve it George! Enjoy..."

Is this why Gen X & Y are so concerned about work-life balance? Hmmmmm!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Checking email and Driving

What Were You Doing When You Should Have Been Driving?

Good idea. Check out all the good memories and hide them in your brain while driving, just-in-case you are involved in an accident. Reflecting on the good memories will help you get through the trauma you cause. Good idea!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Peace: Find it!

Peace: Find it!, originally uploaded by Mike "Dakinewavamon" Kline.

Add your thumbnail to, with a link back to you for credit and copyright. They're averaging about 2,000 hits a DAY...

They're going for a million peace signs...we have lots of room...I hope you'll join us and Pass the Peace On!

I noticed a few backwards peace signs which have a totally different meaning in some cultures such as in the UK...

Monday, February 04, 2008

Drifting and Driving

What Were You Doing When You Should Have Been Driving?

I saw this young man driving his Honda around a round-about in New Mexico, without any traction, he was drifting. It was cool until he hit the curb. At the curb, it got really expensive.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton, originally uploaded by Mike "Dakinewavamon" Kline.

"America! There is one thing ya'll can take all the way to the bank. Upon me becoming America's First Man. The male student interns are safe."

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Reading the News and Driving

What Were You Doing When You Should Have Been Driving?

This old chap was staying current on world events! Isn't that nice?

"Oh, look there's a front page article about the dangers of reading and driving. Wow...who would EVER do th------(screech, bang, crash.)"

Friday, February 01, 2008

Sipping Cafe Noisettes and Driving

What Were You Doing When You Should Have Been Driving?

Oh the things that we do!